Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Addicted to ARTSY Online Workshops ;)

Hhhhmmmm so what am I up to now???  ... about 6 online Artsy courses that I am in the midst of ... been really trying not to put another on my plate BUT COULD NOT PASS UP THIS ONE!

Jeanne Oliver is hosting an amazing new workshop by Danielle Donaldson - "CREATIVE GIRL - THE LAND OF LIGHT AND SHADOWS"   I love the watercolour effect she has on her girls and I am so pumped about taking this course at the end of April.

Am I addicted to Online Workshops? Yes, in fact I know I am ... it's crazy because I sit at a computer for over 9 hours a day at work ... and I can't really watch my workshops there very well ... and I really don't like to sit on the computer at night ~ if I do anything creative in the evenings I just want to splash colour down on something ~ lately though I have been to tired to do much after the working day and find I try and spend most of my creative studio time on the weekends ... so so many projects and so little time ... and yet I just signed up for another online workshop ... why why why do I do it???!!!

Well simply because I love love love watching these women teach ... especially Christy Tomlinson and her lovely personality and down to earth teaching style ... love love love her.  :)  I have 4 online workshops sitting in my cache to do of Christy's alone ... and I love watching her teach and she explains so much ... I have learned tonnes since started watching her last year.  So much ...And her workshops are always filled with many many videos of awesome detailed information on all the things I love about mixed media.
I am still working on Workshops that I signed up for last year - And so appreciate the time we are given to complete them ... usually need all that time and more.  ;)

Christy also has an exciting lovely workshop starting now:  Her 3 week BOOT SERIES WORKSHOP!!!  I will definitely be keeping this one in mind for my next run of workshops to do ;)

Christy is hosting an older Junelle Jacobson's Workshop  "THE ART OF WILD ABANDONMENT"  on her blog - which I signed up for last year and I am also really excited to get started!!!

And Junelle has posted this amazing online course:
Junelle has NEWLY RELEASED for SPRING 2014 her THE ART OF SPRING Workshop up on her blog that just looks delightful - full of colour and fresh all things spring goodness - will have to keep this in mind as I finish some of the others ~ I love the art of spring all times of year!  (This is also a 2 year accessible online course)

My first teaching experience with Junelle has actually been just recently when I signed up for Jeanne Oliver's 2014 "STUDYING UNDER THE MASTERS' online course - which though I have only gone through a few weeks of it is such an amazing experience.  There are many many of us that are taking the time with this workshop - the information and all the different teachers are amazing, and through their learning we get a double boost of talented inspiration!  So even though the weekly live talks are over with our teachers ~ the class is still available on a 2 year basis once you sign up and believe me worth the amazing experience.  And there are still many that connect on the Facebook page and show their work everyday.  :)  Jeanne herself is just an amazing soulful and thoughtful personality ... I have loved every minute of not only learning from her (she does the first Master - Henri Matisse in her online "Studying Under the Masters" workshop, and her beautiful videos and thoughtful guidance and advice are part of each week as she introduces a new Teacher and gives encouragement and her thoughts on this amazing learning process.  She has an amazing BLOG that has links to all sorts of good for the soul goodness. 

ALSO Margie Romney-Aslett and her daughter Meg are now doing their next awesome SPARK EVENT - SPARK YOUR SPRING !!!!!!! A 3 day workshop that is plumb full of ways to decorate your home for the spring season!  I took her awesome "Spark you Love and Home" workshop and fell in love with Margie's easy and fun teaching style and love love her cute ideas to being colour and pop into our seasons!  Awesome :)

So no shortage of creative inspiration - I just need to either win a lottery so I can stay home and create or figure out a way to clone myself ha ha.  I am going to try hard not to sign up for any more online workshops until I get at least hhhhhmmmmmm 70 percent done with the ones I have ha ha ... I think that is setting a goal that I may be able to attain.

Though don't hold me to it lmao ... so so much inspiration and so little time ... BUT having such an amazing awesome creative year!    SO ALL WORTH IT!

Sherri  :)

1 comment:

Melanni Loewen said...

You are one of a very large community of addicts. I swear these instructors are in on some kind of conspiracy lol. Love them all and losing track!