So nice to see the sun shine today - yipee - and they are forecasting nicer weather ahead, lovely - looking forward to the sun and getting spring on it's way. I have gotten myself back into a bit of scrapbooking of late, sure feels good - working on a swap for a group I am in, and a few ideas a churning for some future layouts. It is surprising how the creative side of you can really make life a bit easier to deal with, and how much it brightens my day!
Have the Women's Show this weekend, helping out my friend Kelly ( ) - so I hope to also be able to take a good stroll around and see a bit of the show.
Next week is not only one of my sister's B-day's (I hope one day that we can spend our birthdays together, that would be so much fun) but I am also going for another evening of Simply Suppers ( )- more great meals in the freezer. Really looking forward to that as well, it has been a real palate saver around our house haha - and have been trying out so many different dishes that I normally wouldn't make and now have put on our menus. I even went out the other day and bought some different spices, ones I haven't used before - so our little menu has been spiced up haha.
Oh it feels so so so good to see the sun, does make me wish though that I was at home - tackling one of the many jobs I need to do - and being able to throw open the windows and get some fresh air in the house. In time :-)
Wishing you all a fabulous week!
That simply supper thing sounds awesome...I love experimenting with new dishes...but my dh is a meat and potatoes cooking for myself Have fun at the Women's show!!!
the weather is beautiful on this hump day...wish the backyard wasn't so swamp like still as I could be puttering out there, but it was nice to open up a few windows this afternoon. The Women's show sounds like fun...enjoy! Glad to hear the simply suppers thing is working out for you. Enjoy the rest of the week Sherri.
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